
Early Dementia Questionnaire:

When considering whether you may need to get a second opinion on whether you or a loved one may be exhibiting signs of dementia, ask yourself, “Does this individual…”

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Behave in a compulsive and repetitive way, like talking or asking about the same things repeatedly or pacing?
Show little awareness of recent experiences, events, or surroundings?
Exhibit major changes in sleep patterns?
Fall frequently?
Require hands on assistance with personal hygiene, including using the restroom and/or frequent incontinence?
Have challenges taking medication as prescribed?
Seem indifferent about clothing and other personal concerns?
Get lost in familiar surroundings, become disoriented in unfamiliar places, or have a decreased sense of direction?
Have trouble distinguishing familiar and unfamiliar faces?

If you answered yes to more than two of these questions, we recommend that you consult your doctor or a neurologist for a professional assessment.

You are also welcome to contact Capri’s Director of Active Aging and Memory Care, Mari Pat McAuliff, who is an excellent resource on dementia and dementia care: mmcauliff@capricommunities.com